Rewind Ledger


Date Description To/From Account(s) Amount Out/In Period Total
2025-01-02 Transfer from PayPal $-19.17
2025-01-01 General Withdrawal $19.17
2024-12-02 Transfer from PayPal $-19.17
2024-12-01 General Withdrawal $19.17
2024-11-01 General Withdrawal $19.17
2024-11-01 Transfer from PayPal $-19.17
2024-10-01 General Withdrawal $19.17
2024-10-01 Transfer from PayPal $-19.17
2024-09-02 Transfer from PayPal $-23.81
2024-09-01 General Withdrawal $23.81
2024-07-01 General Withdrawal $60.01
2024-07-01 Transfer from PayPal $-60.01
2024-06-03 Transfer from PayPal $-74.32
2024-06-01 General Withdrawal $74.32
2024-05-01 Transfer from PayPal $-74.32
2024-05-01 General Withdrawal $74.32
2024-04-02 Transfer from PayPal $-69.15
2024-04-01 General Withdrawal $69.15
2024-03-01 Transfer from PayPal $-93.20
2024-03-01 General Withdrawal $93.20
2024-02-05 Transfer to PayPal account $-4.87
2024-02-01 Transfer into PayPal $4.87
2024-02-01 Transfer from PayPal $-97.77
2024-02-01 General Withdrawal $97.77
2024-01-02 Transfer from PayPal $-195.54
2024-01-01 General Withdrawal $195.54
2023-11-01 General Withdrawal $28.02
2023-11-01 Transfer from PayPal $-28.02
2023-10-16 Transfer from PayPal $-60.01
2023-10-15 General Withdrawal $60.01
2022-09-08 Other Paypal Account? $0.43
2022-09-07 Transfer out of PayPal $-0.01
2022-09-07 Transfer out of PayPal $-0.07
2022-09-07 Transfer from PayPal $-0.20
2022-09-07 Transfer from PayPal $-0.15