Rewind Ledger


Date Description To/From Account(s) Amount Out/In Period Total
2024-07-18 Income the UNICEF money and .. $156.24
2024-07-18 Split market income 50:50 to.. $121.23
2024-07-17 Cash amounts from market $-115.00
2024-07-15 Direct donation to UNICEF th.. $-35.00
2024-07-01 opening balances $-127.47
2024-07-01 closing balances $127.47
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-4.90
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-4.90
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-4.90
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-4.90
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-4.90
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-4.90
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-9.81
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-4.90
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-4.90
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-4.90
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-9.81
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-9.81
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-9.81
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-9.81
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-9.81
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-4.90
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-9.81
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-4.90
2024-06-16 Rewind Market Entry $-4.90
2024-04-04 Cash deposit from door of ma.. $-307.00
2024-04-04 Money from market event entr.. $457.00
2024-04-04 PayID entry amounts from doo.. $-150.00
2024-02-18 Zero out Moviejuice Fees $0.00
2024-02-18 Transfer moviejuice door fee.. $787.26
2024-01-23 Transfer Humanatix for Movie.. $-248.68
2024-01-20 MOVIEJUICE 9 (Regular) $-8.83
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE 7 (Regular) $-6.87
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE 7 (Regular), MOV.. $-15.70
2024-01-20 2 x MOVIE JUICE SOFT DRINK (.. $-7.85
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE SOFT DRINK (Regu.. $-3.92
2024-01-20 2 x MOVIE JUICE SOFT DRINK (.. $-7.85
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE SOFT DRINK (Regu.. $-3.92
2024-01-20 MOVIEJUICE 9 (Regular) $-8.83
2024-01-20 2 x MOVIEJUICE 9 (Regular) $-17.66
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE 7 (Regular) $-6.87
2024-01-20 2 x MOVIE JUICE SOFT DRINK (.. $-7.85
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE SOFT DRINK (Regu.. $-3.92
2024-01-20 2 x MOVIEJUICE 9 (Regular), .. $-40.22
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE 7 (Regular) $-6.87
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE SOFT DRINK (Regu.. $-10.79
2024-01-20 MOVIEJUICE 9 (Regular) $-8.83
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE SOFT DRINK (Regu.. $-3.92
2024-01-20 MOVIEJUICE 9 (Regular) $-8.83
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE SOFT DRINK (Regu.. $-10.79
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE SOFT DRINK (Regu.. $-10.79
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE 7 (Regular), MOV.. $-15.70
2024-01-20 2 x MOVIE JUICE ENTRY (Regul.. $-19.62
2024-01-20 MOVIEJUICE 9 (Regular) $-8.83
2024-01-20 2 x MOVIE JUICE ENTRY (Regul.. $-37.28
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE SOFT DRINK (Regu.. $-3.92
2024-01-20 MOVIEJUICE 9 (Regular) $-8.83
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE 7 (Regular) $-6.87
2024-01-20 3 x MOVIE JUICE ENTRY (Regul.. $-51.01
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE 7 (Regular) $-6.87
2024-01-20 2 x MOVIE JUICE 7 (Regular) $-13.73
2024-01-20 MOVIEJUICE 9 (Regular) $-8.83
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE ENTRY (Regular) $-9.81
2024-01-20 MOVIEJUICE 9 (Regular) $-8.83
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE ENTRY (Regular),.. $-13.73
2024-01-20 MOVIEJUICE 9 (Regular) $-8.83
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE SOFT DRINK (Regu.. $-3.92
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE 7 (Regular) $-6.87
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE ENTRY (Regular),.. $-18.64
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE 7 (Regular) $-6.87
2024-01-20 2 x MOVIE JUICE ENTRY (Regul.. $-19.62
2024-01-20 2 x MOVIE JUICE ENTRY (Regul.. $-19.62
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE ENTRY (Regular) $-9.81
2024-01-20 MOVIE JUICE ENTRY (Regular) $-9.81
2024-01-20 2 x MOVIE JUICE ENTRY (Regul.. $-19.62
2023-12-04 Income from Electrosonics La.. $40.00
2023-11-29 Electrosonics Lab entry paid.. $-10.00
2023-11-26 Electrosonics Lab entry paid.. $-5.00
2023-11-26 Electrosonics Lab entry paid.. $-5.00
2023-11-26 Electrosonics Lab entry paid.. $-10.00
2023-11-26 Electrosonics Lab entry paid.. $-10.00
2023-11-12 Take the Mad Hatter Door cha.. $58.86
2023-11-11 Custom Amount $-9.81
2023-11-11 Custom Amount $-9.81
2023-11-11 2 x Entry 10 (Regular) $-19.62
2023-11-11 Entry 10 (Regular) $-9.81
2023-11-11 Entry 10 (Regular) $-9.81